How To Generate Endless Ideas For Facebook Posts
And How To Create Social Content That Actually Gets Shared!
There are over 1.3 Billion daily users on Facebook. So, why aren't your posts being seen and why is nobody paying attention.?
Do you attempt to run an ad and then can’t figure out the analytics to tell if it even worked?
If you are ready to get your Facebook posts noticed without spending tons of money, this webinar is for you!

If you're not creating a Facebook Page with a comprehensive strategy to get noticed, Liked and engaged with, the chances of actually generating leads and customers from it are pretty slim.
- Amanda Zantal Wiener, Hubspot

Getting your Facebook page to attract and convert customers has a lot less to do with your business than about how you set up and manage the content you post and share.
- Neil Patel, Top 10 Marketer
What You Will Learn During This Training Webinar:
Secret #1
"What Does Facebook
Like?(and why it matters)"
Secret #2
"What Engages Your Audience?"
Secret #3
"How To Optimize Facebook Posts and Images?"
So, if you're serious about wanting to engage your audience on Facebook and create posts that actually get shared, register now for this special training webinar that will show you how to get your posts shared and increase your online business presence.
We'll Dive Deep Into Facebook Posts and Cover:
- Plan and Maximize your posts
- Create and Use Powerful Hashtags
- How to Avoid the Dreaded Post Killers
- How to Use Questions and Polls
- Make People Curious
- Are Your Links Worth Clicking On?
- Optimize for Mobile
- And Much More......

I'm Bo Johnson, a life-long entrepreneur with more than 16 years' experience in internet marketing and web design.
I know what it's like to build something from scratch - and keep it growing. I've been starting and growing businesses for over 30 years.
From a beef cattle ranch and thriving commercial horse farm that more than quadrupled in value, a wholesale edible herb business that was the first in the area, to online web design services and small business planning - I love using my skillset to help entrepreneurs enhance their online business growth.
I am committed to helping business owners grow and flourish through both strategic planning and resources to STOP THE OVERWHELM when building your online presence.
Bonus! Printable Action Sheets Included!

- Worksheets - Steps and actions to set yourself up for Facebook success
- Calendar - 4 weeks of Facebook post planning tips
- Checklist - All the steps covered in the Webinar (and more)

- 21 Facebook Success Tactics So You Can Engage More Fans!
- 10 Pages of Our Favorite Resources to Transform Your Posts Into Top Quality Stories Your Fans Will Love to Read and Share!
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