Pagespeed score – that’s been an ongoing problem for me forever! I use a combination of Gtmetrix, Pingdom, Google’s Pagespeed Insights, Varvy SEO Tool and a few others to check my pagespeed. It’s never as fast as I want it. A few days ago it was around 82/64 on Gmetrix. Really not good.
I’m no programmer, so even though I know how to optimize images before uploading them to reduce size, some of the problems, like render blocking CSS / JS, compression enabled, browser caching…..huh? I’ve wasted spent entire afternoons trying to tweak my pagespeed, looking for articles that tell me exactly what I should be doing. I mean, really specific stuff – I need code, damnit.
You want to aim to get your page loading speed at 2 seconds or less. Neil Patel has found that an increase in load time by 1 second can cause conversions to drop by 7 %. Good reason to obsess a bit over speed.
While there are tons of reasons your pagespeed score is low, some of the most common ones are:
- unoptimized images
- no alt tags on images
- low server response times
- no browser caching
- too many page redirects
and my favorite:
- render blocking JavaScript – huh?
A slow web host/shared hosting plan also plays a role in site speed. Google has a whole section on rules for Pagespeed Insights in case you really want to dig in.
I didn’t. I just wanted a fast(ish) site.
So, as usual, I went looking for some instructions I could find and that would work for me.
Well, voila! Found it!!!
Kinsta had just what I was looking for.
So, what did I do? First, I ran my site through Gtmetrix. Then, with results in hand – bad pagespeed score results, I fixed all some of the pressing issues that didn’t seem like too confusing to fix.
Sooo, here’s what I did:
- went into my .htaccess file and added some code to enable compression sitewide
- ran my site through Check Gzip Compression to see how much bytes were saved by compressing the code
- didn’t optimize the few images that needed it – too lazy 🙂
- I had render-blocking JavaScript – my nemesis, but hey, there’s a plugin for that Async JavaScript
- I had some render-blocking CSS – another plugin – Autoptomize
- there were some browser caching issues – who doesn’t – so added some more code to .htaccess to add expires headers
- minify JavaScript – well, lucky for me Autoptomize fixed that as well
I really wish I had taken a screenshot to show you my previous 82/64 score, but hey, I didn’t.
However, here’s the screenshot of my 100/100 score. I’m over 2 seconds – but still doing the happy dance!
I really hope everyone finds this as kick ass as I did.
For all the detailed instructions, check out Kinsta.
oh wow ! i also saw 100% gtmetrix score for plak shopify theme, that is awesome
Yes, it was pretty awesome. Haven’t checked it for awhile, plus I’ve changed some plugins/theme etc., so must go back and see how it’s still working.